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For contact lens wearers with astigmatism, Biofinity Toric lenses are quickly becoming the preferred lens. Aquaform Comfort Science Technology has produced a lens that allows plenty of oxygen into your eyes, keeping them healthy and bright. These lenses are ultra efficient at retaining water, so all day long you experience a wet contact lens that resists drying and protein deposits. Perhaps most importantly, Biofinity Toric contact lenses fit you correctly. Those with astigmatism know how important a properly fitting, high performance silicone hydrogel contact lens can be, and these lenses won't disappoint. Same contacts. Same manufacturer. Different box. Biofinity Toric contacts are sold under multiple names in a variety of stores, including as VOYANT MONTHLY TORIC. Your order will be fulfilled with Biofinity Toric.

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Biofinity brand contact lenses are made by CooperVision for superior comfort, extended moisture, and oxygen permeability. Biofinity contacts are made with Aquaform Comfort Science Technology, which creates a unique material that provides superior moistness, and resists protein buildup by holding water within the lens. Through Aquaform Technology, Biofinity Contacts are some of the longest lasting, most comfortable lenses .